A great joy in the life of any church is witnessing the growth of its ministry. Growth unlocks exciting opportunities. In combination with the impact of Covid, growth can also present perplexing challenges, such as a need for more space. At Jeffrey Parker Architects, we guide you through the church building process – both architecturally and financially. From simply getting you started all the way through celebrating your building dedication, we make it happen.

We work closely with you to create attractive, cost-effective buildings that radiate and reinforce church ministries. Combined with church staffing and programs, properly-designed buildings will 1) enhance ministry opportunities for existing congregants, 2) create visitor-friendly space that helps attract newcomers, and 3) make worship services safer and healthier. Our design philosophy also emphasizes collaboration – with the pastor, building committee, lay leaders, church board and even the congregation. This broad-based involvement translates into overwhelming congregational support, ownership and unity.

Our design process relies on getting to know you, your congregation and your ministries. We typically help manage the entire building program, with you as an active participant. As “process managers”, we coordinate the efforts of the capital gifts consultant, lending agency, construction manager, building inspector, technology consultant and furnishings vendor. We also orchestrate the site plan approval and permitting processes. As a result, our church building projects flow effortlessly, church staff stays focused on ministry and the process becomes an exciting, benchmark experience.

We envision what could be, challenge the status quo and balance short-term needs with a long-term perspective. This mindset drives our entire church master planning process. As a result, our church campus and facility master plans provide clearly-defined, purpose-driven, all-encompassing roadmaps for congregations to follow. They also help ensure that 1) buildings can be inexpensively and seamlessly expanded, 2) property is skillfully and efficiently utilized, and 3) ministries are incrementally turbo-charged with achievable, laser-focused building phases.

We specialize in churches. Our seasoned approach is especially suited for thriving churches that feel trapped in buildings that are either too small, dysfunctional or out-of-date. By working with various churches of different denominations and geographic areas, we help promote a cross-fertilization of new ideas and relevant trends. In turn, we creatively build new and/or expand existing church campuses that radiate and reinforce the personality of each ministry.

Featured Partners

Financial planning is critical to our holistic, results-driven approach to church building programs. Our strategic partnership with Church Growth Services (CGS) can help your church maximize what it can afford – and minimize what it borrows. CGS does so by leading congregations through Biblically-based capital campaigns, which result in money that is pledged and paid over three years. To maximize these results, their process is thoroughly-integrated into our overall church planning process.

LINC facilitates mentoring between pastors having unique ministries, congregations, growth trajectories, budgets and church campuses. As a relationship-based network, LINC builds strong relationships while encouraging, equipping and engaging pastors and leaders for success. We are proud to be a LINC partner and help equip its members with multi-phased, purpose-driven, life-changing church campuses.